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Application Development

Chairs:   Bill Benjamin
             Gary Schlegelmilch

The Applications Development section offers a wide array of topics which spans topics such as SAS macros design, maximizing performance and data cleaning.  Papers in this section will focus on how SAS can be customized, extended or used in concert with other software packages to develop or improve a process.  This outstanding collection of papers features industry-specific solutions in the areas of drug development, predictive modeling, customer retention and healthcare insurance.  These presentations provide solutions to common issues that occur in different workplaces.  Authors from different industries will give a step-by-step approach to in-database processing techniques of building a data warehouse for decision support.  The section also includes presentations on programming tools and approaches for developing your own applications, as well as papers on SAS modules that can significantly improve performance and sustainability, such as the JMP Application Builder, SAS Integration Technologies, Information Map Studio, Web Report Studio and the SAS Portal.  A case study of performance tuning will also be presented.

Author(s) Title
Ahmed Al-Attar Using SAS® software to shrink the Data used in Apache Flex® Application
Brandon Welch and James Vaughan %Destroy() a Macro With Permutations
Bruce Gilsen This is the Modern World: Simple, Overlooked SAS® Enhancements
Charyn Faenza DFAST & CCAR: One size does not fit all
Christianna Williams PROC RANK, PROC SUMMARY and PROC FORMAT Team Up and a Legend is Born!
Danny Hamrick Useful Tips for Building Your Own SAS® Cloud
Haikuo Bian, Carlos Jimenez and David Maddox More Hash: Some Unusual Uses of the SAS Hash Object
Harry Droogendyk Your Database can do SAS too!
Harry Droogendyk Moving Data and Results Between SAS® and Microsoft Excel
Jack Shoemaker Before and After: Implementing a Robust Outlier Identification Routine using SAS®
Kirk Paul Lafler SAS® Debugging 101
Kirk Paul Lafler Top Ten SAS® Performance Tuning Techniques
Milorad Stojanovic The Power of SAS® Macro Programming – One Example
Vincent Amoruccio The New Tradition: SAS® Clinical Data Integration

Building Blocks

Chairs:   Brian Varney
             Andrea Zimmerman

Building Blocks is aimed at both beginning and intermediate programmers.  Some topics might be very fundamental like the DATA step and simple PROCs, but it will also expand to more advanced topics like ODS, Macro, SQL, as well as efficient DATA step programming.  These presentations will provide beginners greater understanding of how to use SAS to solve analytical, reporting, and data management issues, and will help intermediate programmers implement enhanced techniques and take advantage of the many possibilities afforded by SAS software.

Author(s) Title
Bruce Gilsen Hidden in plain sight: my top ten underpublicized enhancements in SAS ® Versions 9.2 and 9.3
Charlie Shipp and Kirk Paul Lafler SAS®, Excel®, and JMP® Connectivity — HOW
Christianna Williams PROC SQL for PROC SUMMARY Stalwarts
Christianna Williams FORMATs Top Ten
Daniel Ralyea A Non-Standard Report Card - Informing Parents About What Their Children Know
Elizabeth Axelrod A Quick View of SAS Views
Jim Moon Combining Multiple Date-Ranged Historical Data Sets with Dissimilar Date Ranges into a Single Change History Data Set
John Cohen PROC TRANSPOSE® For Fun And Profit
Jontae Sanders, Charlotte Baker and Perry Brown The Nuances of Combining Hospital Data
Karen Price Move over MERGE, SQL and SORT. There is a faster game in town! #Hash Table
Kirk Paul Lafler and Mira Shapiro Point-and-Click Programming Using SAS® Enterprise Guide®
Leanne Tang Formatting Data with Metadata – Easy and Powerful
Robert Williams SAS® Macro Magic is not Cheesy Magic! Let the SAS Macros Do the Magic of Rewriting Your SAS Code
Sarah Woodruff Flat Pack Data: Converting and ZIPping SAS® Data for Delivery
Ted Logothetti The Power of PROC APPEND

Code Doctor

Are you feeling puzzled or perplexed about your SAS Code?  Does your SAS process run great except for one trouble spot that you can't figure out?  Would your SAS task benefit from an expert's opinion?  The Code Doctors can identify the symptoms, diagnose the problems, and prescribe the treatments!

This unique section provides SAS users the opportunity to bring their problematic SAS code and SAS processes for a one-on-one consultation with experts from the SAS user community!  The Code Doctors staffing the clinic have expertise in syntax, best-practices, and concepts across a broad range of SAS topics.  Specific areas of specialty include Base SAS, Macros, Report Writing, ODS, SQL, SAS Enterprise Guide®, and Statistics.  If you don’t see your specific ailment listed, contact the Hospital Administrator listed at the top of the page.

Be sure to bring a hard copy and/or electronic file with your code, processes, and/or logs for the Code Doctor to examine the symptoms, diagnose the problems, and suggest the remedies.  You will enjoy and benefit from the personalized learning experience.

Coder's Corner

Chairs:   Sharon Avrunin-Becker
             Sarah Woodruff

Every SAS programmer from the beginner to the expert has found new or unusual ways to solve problems with SAS.  Coders' Corner is the place to share tips and tricks, useful nuggets of programming, or techniques that make jobs easier.  Presentations are 10 minutes in length and can come from any of a broad range of topics.  If you have found a solution to a problem that was (de)bugging you or have worked out a dynamic short-cut, come and share your knowledge.  What might now seem simple to you could unlock a SAS mystery for another user!

Author(s) Title
Bill Bland and Liza Thompson Creating a Hyperbolic Graph Using the SAS® Annotate Facility
Bruce Gilsen Debugging SAS ® Code in a Macro
Christy Warner Using PROC FCOMP to Do Fuzzy Name and Address Matching
David Abbott Manage Variable Lists for Improved Readability and Modifiability
Feng Liu Integrating Data and Variables between SAS® and R via PROC IML: Enable Powerful Functionalities for Coding in SAS®
Gary Schlegelmilch How to Build a Data Dictionary – In One Easy Lesson
John Cohen Hands Free: Automating Variable Name Re-Naming Prior to Export
Kirk Paul Lafler Simple Rules to Remember When Working with Indexes
Mayank Nautiyal Interacting with SAS using Windows PowerShell ISE
Robert Williams Let SAS® Do the Coding for You
Russsell Woods @/@@ This Text file. Importing Non-Standard Text Files using @,@@ and / Operators
Shayala Gibbs VBScript Driven Automation in SAS®: A Macro to Update the Text in a Microsoft® Word Document Template at Preset Bookmarks
Troy Hughes Searching for (and Finding) a Needle in a Haystack: A Base Macro-Based SAS Search Tool to Facilitate Text Mining and Content Analysis through the Production of Color-Coded HTML Reports

Hands On Workshop

Chairs:   Mike Sadof
             Venita Depuy

These 2-hour sessions will be presented utilizing a live SAS session where the presenter will demonstrate code and procedures in real time.  The datasets and code will also be available for download prior to the session, enabling attendees to submit the code on their personal computers if desired.  This session is best for step-by-step presentation of:

  • Data step programming
  • Report writing
  • Dates and times
  • Macro language
  • Functions and formats
  • New Features of SAS
Papers will be selected based upon content and the presenter's proven ability to present in an interactive SAS session.  The presenter will need to prepare a power point as well as sample code for demonstration.

Author(s) Title
Claudia McCann SAS Enterprise Guide for Institutional Research and Other Data Scientists
John Cohen A Tutorial on the SAS® Macro Language
John Myers Store and Recall Macros with SAS Macro Libraries
Kirk Paul Lafler Application Development Techniques Using PROC SQL
Paul Dorfman and Lessia Shajenko The DoW-Loop
Troy Hughes Reliably Robust: Best Practices for Automating Quality Assurance and Quality Control Methods into Software Design

Pharma and Healthcare

Chairs:   Erik Larsen
             Bethany Bell

Papers in the Pharma & Healthcare section will focus on using the SAS® System to find solutions for analysis and reporting as it relates to drug/device discovery, disease prevention, patient care and satisfaction, insurance risk and operations, as well as local and national healthcare agencies. Possible topics include:

  • Discussions of the use of SAS® Drug Development, SAS Clinical Data Integration and SAS Patient Safety.
  • Various aspects of implementing CDISC standards such as the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) and the Analysis Data Model (ADaM).
  • Solutions to reporting and data processing requirements which relate to the Affordable Care Act.
  • The use of healthcare data to evaluate quality of care, possible fraud and patient satisfaction in a hospital setting.

Author(s) Title
Barbara Okerson Time Series Mapping with SAS®: Visualizing Geographic Change over Time in the Health Insurance Industry
Charlotte Baker You've used FREQ, but have you used SURVEYFREQ?
Heather Eng, Jason Lyons and Theresa Sax A Comprehensive Automated Data Management System for Clinical Trials
John Cohen and Meenal (Mona) Sinha Using SAS® to Analyze the Impact of the Affordable Care Act
Paulo Macedo Using SAS/STAT to implement a multivariate adaptive outlier detection approach to distinguish outliers from extreme values
Salil Parab Impact of Affordable Care Act on Pharmaceutical and Biotech Industry
Shamarial Roberson and Charlotte Baker Evaluating and Mapping Stroke Hospitalization Costs in Florida
Venita DePuy SDTM What? ADaM Who? A Programmer's Introduction to CDISC

Planning, Support, and Administration

Chairs:   Kristen Harrington
             Barbara Okerson

If all or part of your SAS time includes supporting users, whether through systems architecture and administration or through consulting, training, and hiring, this section is the place for you to share your experiences with other members of the SAS community.  This section will include guidelines, best practices, techniques, and resources for working efficiently and effectively in the SAS support community.  Possible topics are:

  • SAS Systems architecture and administration, including:
    • Installation, deployment, and migration
    • Virtualization
    • Performance monitoring and tuning
  • Other SAS systems support, including:
    • Recruiting, hiring and maintaining qualified staff
    • Training and skill development
    • SAS help desk support
    • Project planning and management

Author(s) Title
Ahmed Al-Attar and Shadana Myers Configurable SAS® Framework for managing SAS® OLAP Cube based Reporting System
Doug Liming Case Studies in Preparing Hadoop Big Data for Analytics
Jiangtang Hu SAS Metadata Querying and Reporting Made Easy: Using SAS Autocall Macros
Kirk Paul Lafler A Review of "Free" Massive Open Online Content (MOOC) for SAS Learners
Kirk Paul Lafler and Charlie Shipp Google® Search Tips and Techniques for SAS® and JMP® Users
Richard Addy Stretching Data Training Methods: A Case Study in Expanding SDTM Skills
Rob Phelps Managing and Measuring the Value of Big Data and Analytics Focused Projects
Roger Goodwin, PMP Calculating the Most Expensive Printing Jobs
Stephen Overton Securing SAS OLAP Cubes with Authorization Permissions and Member-Level Security
Tricia Aanderud Debugging and Tuning SAS Stored Processes
Charlotte Baker and Perry Brown Teaching SAS Using SAS OnDemand Web Editor and Enterprise Guide


Chairs:   Dennis Beal
             Carol Martell

The Poster Section covers any area including: SAS® fundamentals; statistics; business intelligence; medical research, data mining; survey/panel results; social networking; and industry applications for the pharmaceutical, finance, education, environmental and entertainment industries; and all uses of SAS software.  Ideally, a well-constructed poster is self-explanatory, achieving both coverage and clarity.  Posters will be displayed on a standard size of 48 in. by 60 in.  In addition, a corresponding paper based upon the poster will be published in the conference proceedings.  There will be a time to meet authors to discuss their posters with conference attendees (“Meet the Presenter” session).  Submissions are welcomed from attendees at all levels of SAS experience.

Author(s) Title
Abbas Tavakoli Overview of Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) Using GLM in SAS
Alec Zhixiao Lin Trash to Treasures: Salvaging Variables of Extremely Low Coverage for Modeling
Charlie Shipp Design of Experiments (DOE) Using JMP®
Delia Voronca and Mulugeta Gebregziabher Analysis of Zero Inflated Longitudinal Data Using PROC NLMIXED
Emad Gheibi, Sarah Gassman and Abbas Tavakoli Using Regression Model to Predict Earthquake Magnitude and Ground Acceleration at South Carolina Coastal Plain (SCCP)
Imelda Go and Abbas Tavakoli PROC MEANS for Disaggregating Statistics in SAS: One Input Data Set and One Output Data Set with Everything You Need
Jennifer Mann, Jason Brinkley and Pamela Larsen Exploring the Use of Negative Binomial Regression Modeling for Pediatric Peripheral Intravenous Catheterization
Kate Phillips To Foam or not to Foam: A Survival Analysis of the Foam Head that Forms when a Soda is Poured
Kirk Paul Lafler and Charles Edwin Shipp Connect with SAS® Professionals Around the World with LinkedIn and sasCommunity.org
Laura Williams, Elizabeth Oesterling Owens and Jean-Jacques Dubois Evaluating Additivity of Health Effects of Exposure to Multiple Air Pollutants Given Only Summary Data
Louise Hadden Build your Metadata with PROC CONTENTS and ODS OUTPUT
Seungyoung Hwang A National Study of Health Services Utilization and Cost of Care with SAS: Analyses from the 2011 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey

Reporting and Information Visualization/JMP

Chairs:   Jason Brinkley
             Mira Shapiro

The Reporting and Information Visualization section contains presentations that demonstrate visualizing and presenting data in unique and innovative ways.  We would like to hear about techniques and creative ways for representation of data for effective communication.  Visual representation and interactive techniques allow users to intuitively explore, discover and comprehend large amounts of information.

Topics appropriate to this section include, but are not limited to:

  • Output Delivery System (ODS) or Graphics Template Language (GTL)
  • Customized reports, graphics, and maps
  • Business intelligence dashboards/balanced scorecards
  • SAS® to Excel and other Microsoft products
  • SAS Visual Data Discovery tools for visual analytics, visual querying and data filtering
  • SAS integration with Google Earth and GPS data
  • Applications utilizing ODS Statistical Graphics
It is preferred that papers submitted include a display of the system or results and should include some programming code and indicate SAS version required.

JMP®, the statistical discovery software from SAS®, provides users with the ability to explore and discover hidden stories and trends in data while easily converting this information into visual displays to share with end users.  We would like to hear about innovative uses of JMP software and scenarios where integration between JMP and SAS has made a major impact.

Author(s) Title
Charlie Shipp Design of Experiments (DOE) Using JMP®
Chevell Parker Secrets from a SAS(E9) Technical Support Guy: Combining the Power of the Output Deliver System with Microsoft Excel Worksheets
Jason Brinkley and Jennifer Mann Tricks and Tips for Using the Bootstrap in JMP Pro 11
Louise Hadden Build your Metadata with PROC CONTENTS and ODS OUTPUT
Louise Hadden Where in the World Are SAS/GRAPH® Maps? An Exploration of the Old and New SAS® Mapping Capacities
Merve Gurlu Integrating SAS with JMP to Build an Interactive Application
Michael Crotty and Clay Barker Penalizing your Models: An Overview of the Generalized Regression platform
Michael Hecht Web Scraping with JMP for Fun and Profit
Scott Burroughs Enhancements to Basic Patient Profiles
Shamarial Roberson and Charlotte Baker Creating Health Maps Using SAS
Shane Rosanbalm A Strip Plot Gets Jittered into a Beeswarm
Sharon Avrunin-Becker How To Make An Impressive Map of the United States with SAS/Graph® for Beginners
Tricia Aanderud Dashboards with SAS Visual Analytics

Statistics and Data Analysis

Chairs:   Jeffrey Kromrey

Presentations in the Statistics and Data Analysis section address the transformation of raw data into useful information.  For SESUG 2014, this section will include topics that will be of interest to a wide range of SAS® users, including statistical analysts, statistical programmers, statisticians, and DATA step programmers.  Papers do not need to present new statistical methods, although such topics are always welcome.  Innovative applications of established methods to new or unusual scenarios are also appropriate for this section.  In addition, presentations are sought that involve the application of methods that many users of SAS statistics may not commonly see, such as methods for categorical, longitudinal or censored data.  Methods to facilitate analysis of very large data arrays, such as those that result from genetic studies or national surveys, are also sought for this section.  It is important to keep in mind that the audience will represent a broad spectrum of users of statistical methods, so the presentations can range from basic applications to complex analyses.

Author(s) Title
Abbas Tavakoli and Sue Heiney Using SAS to Examine Mediator, Direct and Indirect Effects of Isolation and Fear on Social Support Using Baron& Kenny Combined with Bootstrapping Methods
Charlotte Baker Don't be binary! Tales of Non-binary Categorical Regression
Dennis Beal Maximizing Confidence and Coverage for a Nonparametric Upper Tolerance Limit on the Second Largest Order Statistic for a Fixed Number of Samples
Diep Nguyen, Anh Kellermann, Patricia Rodríguez de Gil, Eun Sook Kim and Jeffrey Kromrey Strimmed_t: A SAS® Macro for the Symmetric Trimmed t Test
Diep Nguyen, Thanh Pham, Patricia Rodríguez de Gil, Tyler Hicks, Yan Wang, Isaac Li, Aarti Bellara, Jeanine Romano, Eun Sook Kim, Harold Holmes, Yi-Hsin Chen and Jeffrey Kromrey ANOVA_HOV: A SAS® Macro for Testing Homogeneity of Variance in One-Factor ANOVA Models
Edward Jones Text Analytics using High Performance SAS Text Miner
George MacDonald and Jeffrey Kromrey How does Q-matrix Misspecification Affect the Linear Logistic Test Model’s Parameter Estimates?
Isaac Li, Yi-Hsin Chen, Chunhua Cao and Yan Wang Modeling Cognitive Processes of Learning with SAS® Procedures
John Castellon Power and Sample Size Computations
Marsha Samson, Olubunmi Orekoya, Dumbiri Onyeajam and Tushar Trivedi Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and changes in offspring’s weight during infancy: A longitudinal analysis
Mihaela Ene, Elizabeth Leighton, Genine Blue and Bethany Bell Multilevel Models for Categorical Data using SAS® PROC GLIMMIX: The Basics
Min Zhu Analyzing Multilevel Models with the GLIMMIX Procedure
Mohamed Anany %DISCIT Macro: Pre-screening Continuous Variables for Subsequent Binary Logistic Fegression Analysis Through Visualization
Peter Wludyka and Carmen Smotherman Using SAS to Create a p-value Resampling Distribution for a Statistical Test
Weijie Cai Making Comparisons Fair: How LS-Means Unify the Analysis of Linear Models
Yong Liu, Hua Lu, Liang Wei, Xingyou Zhang, Paul Eke and James Holt Annotation Utilizations in Customized SAS/Graph Bar Charts


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