You will be contacted by the chairs of your academic section. Please confirm with them you will be attending the conference.
Upload a signed Permission to Publish (P2P) form to the START system no later than Saturday, July 20, 2019.
Register for the conference by Saturday, July 20, 2019 in order to receive the Early Registration rate. Standard registration rates apply starting July 21, 2019.
Please use the paper template (found bellow) to begin drafting your final paper. A final PDF version of your paper must be uploaded to the START system by Tuesday, August 20, 2019.
Upload final presentations slides by Tuesday, October 1, 2019.
Plan your travel and hotel, if needed.
The intention is for authors to upload documents such as papers, presentations, & permission to publish forms using the START Paper Submission System(link below) themselves.
If you encounter trouble, please let your section chair know.