SESUG and SAS® are working together to provide grants for Junior SAS Professionals who would like to attend the SESUG 2012 Conference in Durham, NC October 14-16. This annual conference provides opportunities for education, training, presenting a paper, networking with SAS users, and meeting with SAS technical staff.
The grant covers conference registration and one four-hour workshop. Workshops will be offered on Sunday at 11:30 am. Travel expenses and food are not covered. Junior Professionals presenting a paper will get priority consideration.
To qualify, applicants must have been using SAS in their job for 36 months or less and would otherwise not be funded by their company to attend the conference.
Applications are now closed.
Important Application Dates:
June 4, 2012 – Application available on the SESUG website
August 3, 2012 – Deadline to submit online application
SESUG is a conference organized and run by volunteers. We would love for you to help with the conference and enhance your experience by volunteering. Check out the volunteer information on the
SESUG 2012 Volunteer page.