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   Academic Sections
   Beyond the Basics

Chair:   Harry Droogendyk - Stratia Consulting Inc.

Presentations in this section teach advanced programming concepts and SAS functionality that's Beyond the Basics!  Subject matter ranges from advanced SAS® Foundation topics including ODS, Macro and sophisticated, efficient PROC and DATA step programming, SAS Enterprise Guide functionality, integration with 3rd party software and databases, innovative applications and data integration and reporting and analytics solutions afforded by the SAS Business Intelligence suite.

Beyond the Basics papers will provide the knowledge needed to implement enhanced techniques and take advantage of the many possibilities afforded by SAS software.

Stephen Overton Lost in Space? Methodology for a Guided Drill-Through Analysis Out of the Wormhole
Patricia Aanderud SAS Stored Processes: The Swiss Army Knife of the SAS BI Toolset
John Bentley Leveraging SQL Return Codes When Querying Relational Databases
Jiangtang Hu A SAS Programming Framework for Data Extraction Using Perl Regular Expression: The First Wave
Phillip Julian Using Dictionary Tables to Profile SAS Datasets
Paul Dorfman Through the DoW-Loop, One Statement at a Time
David Abbott Make Macros Safe for Others to Use: Eliminate Unexpected Side Effects
Rick Edwards Automating SAS/Graph Axis Ranges: Using a macro to produce easily read major tick mark increments based on the data to be graphed
Stuart Long ODS Output Datasets that Work for You
Susmita Pattnaik Proc Summary Options Beyond The Basics
Brian Varney Inventory Your Files Using SAS
Michael Drutar “There’s an App for That”: It’s Called SAS® ODS! Mobile Data Entry and Reporting via SAS ODS
Christopher Stevens The Elephant in the Room: Running Hadoop on SAS & Greenplum


   Code Doctors

Chair:   Maribeth Johnson, Georgia Health Sciences University
            Jennifer Waller, Georgia Health Sciences University

Are you feeling puzzled or perplexed about your SAS Code?  Does your SAS process run great except for one trouble spot that you can't figure out?  Would your SAS task benefit from an expert's opinion?  The Code Doctors can identify the symptoms, diagnose the problems, and prescribe the treatments!  This unique section provides SAS users the opportunity to bring their problematic SAS code and SAS processes for a one-on-one consultation with experts from the SAS user community!  The Code Doctors staffing the clinic have expertise in syntax, best-practices, and concepts across a broad range of SAS topics.  Specific areas of specialty include Base SAS, Macros, Report Writing, ODS, SQL, SAS Enterprise Guide®, and Statistics.  Be sure to bring a hard copy and/or electronic file with your code, processes, and/or logs for the Code Doctor to examine the symptoms, diagnose the problems, and suggest the remedies.  You will enjoy and benefit from the personalized learning experience.


   Coder’s Tips and Tricks

Chair:   Bill Benjamin, Owl Computer Consultancy, LLC
            Heidi Markowitz, Federal Reserve Board

Authors in this section "Fire Off" short precise 10-minute presentations that each focus on a single topic.  This popular venue draws both new and seasoned presenters.  Topics cover any aspect of the SAS system.  They may include powerful but obscure syntax or coding tips, work-arounds for hard-to-find error fixes, algorithms or macros that may be widely applicable, and creative uses or undocumented features of SAS.  You never know what you might find, the room may be dark, but don't nod off, you are sure to miss something that could help you.

Christopher Alexander SAS® Macros and the SAS® DATASETS Procedure - An Automated Approach to Dataset Management and Manipulation
Jason Baucom An email macro: Exploring metadata in EG and user credentials in Linux to automate email notifications
Ken Borowiak PRXCHANGE: Accept No Substitutions
David Chapman Labels: What They Are and How To Use Them
Ken Borowiak A Closer Look at PROC SQL's FEEDBACK Option
Phil d'Almada A three-piece suite to address the worth and girth of expanding a data set
Jacob Fisher Fitting Bayesian hierarchical multinomial logit models in PROC MCMC
Arunim Gupta Fatal Witlessness: Appending Datasets! WARNING! This may cause truncation of data!
Elizabeth Heath An Introduction to Criteria-based Deduplication of Records
Steve James Hidden Biases Using SAS Dates
Ravi Kankipati Programmatic Automation of Categorizing and Listing Specific Clinical Terms
David Kerman A PROC MEANS Primer
Chenille Lloyd A Winning Combination: Generation of Listing and Descriptive Statistics Table in One Report
Alan Mann Manage Hierarchical or Associated Data With The RETAIN Statement
Heidi Markovitz What's in a FILENAME?
Robert Matthews Let's Play a Game: A SAS Program for Creating a Word Search Matrix
Robert McCurdy Minimum Level of Documentation for Ad Hoc Report Programming
Meghal Parikh Learning PROC SQL the DATA Step Way
Darry Putnam An In-Line View to a SQL
Jeffrey Reiss Schedule Impossible: Using ODS and PROC REPORT to Create a Schedule Visualization
LaTonia Richardson Introducing the FINDIT Macro: An Efficient Tool for Simultaneously Searching Several Free-Text Fields Using Multiple Keywords
LaTonia Richardson A Handy New SAS® Tool for Comparing Dynamic Datasets
Leanne Tang Securing Your SAS Systems - A Simple Step to Identify Users
Sally Walczak Display, Group or Order: Using Proc Report to Create Clinical Trials Outputs
Leanne Tang Encoding the Password - A low maintenance way to secure your data access
Matthew Gyory We Can Import It For You Wholesale: How to Use SAS Macros to Import Hundreds of Excel Files
Yusheng Zhai Beyond “If then” - Three Techniques for Cleaning Character Variables from Write-in Questions


   Discover JMP

Chair:   Diane Cunningham
            Lynn Dickey

The Southeast SAS® Users’ Group (SESUG) is inviting JMP® users to present how you have used this statistical discovery software from SAS to solve problems and foster innovation in your application area.  From academic research to manufacturing, biotechnology, genomics and drug development, JMP analytics is used to answer questions and facilitate discovery.  We would like to hear from you how JMP is used in your work.  Presentations will be 20 or 50 minutes and preferably should include the use of JMP to demonstrate the application.

Hui Di Run JMP as a virtual application – Changing How the Game Is Played
Annie Dudley Zangi SPC Data Visualization of Seasonal and Financial Data Using JMP®
Audrey Ventura Getting to the Good Part of Data Analysis: Data Access, Manipulation, and Customization Using JMP®


   Hands-on Workshops

Chair:   Bryan Adams
            Bob Bolen

Do you enjoy the thrill of Show & Tell? Then the Hands-on Workshops, HOW, are where you want to be.  You will lead attendees thru real hands-on experience in the aspect of SAS or JMP you wish to share.  Hands-on Workshops require focus and a blend of lecture and exercises.  If you have the desire to show people a fresh new approach in the use of SAS and the creativity to put together a meaningful mix of lecture and exercises, we want to hear from you.

Author(s) Title
Kimberly LeBouton Getting Up to Speed with PROC REPORT
Sanjay Matange Quick Results with ODS Graphics Designer
Peter Eberhardt The Armchair Quarterback: Writing SAS® Code for the Perfect Pivot (Table, That Is)
Stephanie Thompson FREQ Out – Exploring Your Data the Old School Way
Jennifer Waller How to Perform and Interpret Chi-Square and T-Tests
Christianna Williams Queries, Joins, and WHERE Clauses. Oh My!! Demystifying PROC SQL


   Launching Off: Intro Tutorials

Chair:   Paul Dorfman
            Barbara Okerson

This section will help launch you into SAS® success by providing an overview of core concepts for using SAS and describing good practices for all SAS users.  Topics will likely include but should not be limited to:

  • Data step programming
  • Report writing
  • Dates and times
  • Macro language
  • Functions and formats
  • Enterprise Guide, and
  • Overviews of commonly used SAS procedures.
New SAS users will easily find something here to propel them forward when they return from the conferences, while more experienced users may find some new tricks.  Presentations are applicable to all SAS environments.

Author(s) Title
Mira Shapiro Using SAS® Enterprise Guide® to Coax Your Excel Data In To SAS®
Sigurd Hermansen Reducing Big Data to Manageable Proportions
Marje Fecht Quick Hits - My favorite SAS tricks
Frank DiIorio Building the Better Macro: Best Practices for the Design of Reliable, Effective Tools
Kevin Russell Why Did SAS® Say That? What Common DATA Step and Macro Messages Are Trying to Tell You
Lesa Caves Review That You Can Do: A Guide for Systematic Review of Complex Data
Kimberly LeBouton HELP, My SAS® Program isn't Working: Where to Turn When You Need Help


   Pharma and Healthcare

Chair:   Erik Larsen
            Christianna Williams

Papers in the Pharma & Healthcare section will focus on using SAS® technologies to find solutions for analysis and reporting as it relates to drug/device discovery, disease prevention, patient care, the needs of insurance providers, as well as local and national healthcare agencies. Possible topics include:

  • Discussions of the use of SAS® Drug Development, SAS Clinical Data Integration and SAS Patient Safety.
  • Various aspects of implementing CDISC standards such as the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) and the Analysis Data Model (ADaM).
  • Solutions to common problems that can surface during a clinical trial such as those that occur in clinical programming and biostatistics.
  • The use of healthcare data to evaluate quality of care in any healthcare setting.
  • Using SAS to provide optimization of clinical research or analysis of healthcare data.
  • The impact of health policy changes and solutions for providers or insurers.

Author(s) Title
David Scocca The SDTM Programming Toolkit
Hisham Madi A GUI-based utility macro for creating a version controlled project directory structure and copying in standard tools and template files
Eric Vandervort Knowing When To Start, Where You Are, and How Far You Need To Go: Customized Software Tracks Project Workflow, Deliverables, and Communication
Bill Donovan A CareerView Mirror: Another Perspective on Your Work and Career Planning
Mike Molter An Introduction to the Clinical Standards Toolkit
Mei Dey A SAS Macro Approach to Assign CTCAE Grades to Laboratory Adverse Experiences
Richard Zink Developing a Complete Picture of Patient Safety in Clinical Trials
John R Gerlach A Standard SAS Program for Corroborating OpenCDISC Error Messages
John R Gerlach Generating SUPPQUAL Domains from SDTM-Plus Domains


   Planning and Administration

Chair:   Joe Kelley
            Steve Noga

As SAS® professionals our primary concern tends to be the quality the programs we write and the results we provide.  However, in order for us to do our job properly a lot of work has to be done behind the scenes – the planning and administration of the site.  This section will bring this behind the scenes work to the foreground.  Among the topics of interest are:

  • Recruiting and Hiring qualified staff
  • Training and skill development
  • SAS Certification
  • SAS Server deployment planning and administration
  • Project Management

If you have best practices on these or other planning and administration areas you want to share we have the forum available to you.

Author(s) Title
Gregory Nelson Serving SAS®: A Visual Guide to SAS Servers
Jennifer Parks SAS Enterprise Business Intelligence (EBI) Deployment Projects in the Federal Sector: Best Practices
Brian Varney Getting to Know an Undocumented SAS Environment
Gregory Nelson Best Practices for Managing and Monitoring SAS® Data Management Solutions
Steve Noga Gotcha – Hidden Workplace and Career Traps to Avoid
Margaret Crevar Running SAS on the Grid



Chair:   Claudine Lougee
            Abbas Tavakoli

The Poster Section covers any area including: SAS® fundamentals; statistics; business intelligence; medical research, data mining; survey/panel results; social networking; and industry applications for the pharmaceutical, finance, education and entertainment industries; and all uses of SAS software.  Ideally, a well-constructed poster is self-explanatory, achieving both coverage and clarity.  There will be a time to meet authors to discuss their posters with conference attendees (?Meet the Presenter? session).  All levels of SAS experience are welcomed and encouraged.

Author(s) Title
Rebecca Horney A Visual Approach to Monitoring Case Report Form Submission During Clinical Trials
Barbara Okerson A Corporate SAS® Community of Support
Janet Willis Do You Have Too Much Class?
Abbas Tavakoli Using Macro to simplify to Calculate Multi-Rater Observation Agreement
Imelda Go Mastering the Basics: Preventing Problems by Understanding How SAS® Works
Kunal Agnihotri A SAS Users Guide to Regular Expressions When the Data Resides in Oracle
Matthew Psioda Using Windows Batch Files to Sequentially Execute Sets of SAS Programs Efficiently
Sheetal Nisal SAS Programming tips and techniques for Data Mapping
Jeffrey Kromrey PROC TTEST® (Old Friend), What Are You Trying to Tell Us?
Daniel Hertz Integration of Scientific Writing into an Applied Biostatistics and SAS Programming Course for Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Students
Neeta Shenvi SAS macro to obtain reference values based on estimation of the lower and upper percentiles via quantile regression
Patricia Rodriguez de Gil A Randomization Test SAS Program for Making Treatment Effects Inferences for Extensions and Variations of ABAB Single-Case Experimental Designs
So Young Park Spatial Analysis of Gastric Cancer in Costa Rica using SAS
William E Benjamin Jr. Extend the Power of SAS® to Use Callable VBS and VBA Code Files Stored in External Libraries to Control Excel Formatting Routines
William E Benjamin Jr. Array, Hurray, Array; Consolidate or Expand Your Input Data Stream Using Arrays
Anil Kumar Pantangi Evaluating effectiveness of management interventions in a hospital using SAS® Text Miner
Mihaela Ene MIXED_FIT: A SAS Macro to Assess Model Fit and Adequacy for Two-Level Linear Models
Phillip Julian Using Dictionary Tables to Profile SAS Datasets


   Reporting and Information Visualization

Chair:   Sheetal Nisal
            Stephanie Thompson

Reporting and Information Visualization section is seeking papers which will demonstrate the presentation of data in unique and innovative ways.  We would like to hear about techniques and creative ways for representation of data for effective communication.  Visual representation and interactive techniques allow users to intuitively explore, discover and comprehend large amounts of information.

Topics appropriate to this section include, but are not limited to:

  • Output Delivery System (ODS) or Graphics Template Language (GTL)
  • Customized reports, graphics, and maps
  • Business intelligence dashboards/balanced scorecards
  • SAS® to Excel and other Microsoft products
  • SAS Visual Data Discovery tools for visual analytics, visual querying and data filtering
  • SAS integration with Google Earth and GPS data
  • Applications utilizing ODS Statistical Graphics

It is preferred that papers submitted include a display of the system or results and should include some programming code and indicate SAS version required.

Author(s) Title
Patricia Aanderud Get Your "Fast Pass" to Building Business Intelligence with SAS® and Google Analytics
Patrick Hall Let the Data Paint the Picture: Data-Driven, Interactive and Animated Visualizations Using SAS®, Java and the Processing Graphics Library
Jim Horne Converting from SAS/GRAPH(R) to ODS Graphics
Claudia McCann Pulling Data from Ellucian-Banner ODS with SAS-EG: Not only fast but fun as well!
Sarah Mikol Don’t Avoid It, Exploit It: Using Annotate to Enhance Graphical Output
David Mintz Enhance your SAS/Intrnet application with jQuery and Google Earth
Barbara Okerson Do SAS® users read books? Using SAS graphics to enhance survey research
Ben Robbins Mobile Business Applications: Delivering SAS Dashboards To Mobile Devices via MMS
Neeta Shenvi Data merging and Exploration to identify association of Epidemiological outbreaks with Environmental factors
Helen Smith Using Design Principles to Make ODS Template Decisions
Chris Speck Diverse Report Generation With PROC REPORT
Shih-Ching Wu Creating a Heatmap Visualization of 150 Million GPS Points on Roadway Maps via SAS
Ed Summers Using SAS/GRAPH® to Create Visualizations That Also Support Tactile and Auditory Interaction
Perry Watts Using Axes Options to Stretch the Limits of SAS® Graph Template Language
Darrell Massengill Together at Last: Spatial Analysis and SAS® Mapping


   Statistics and Data Analysis

Chair:   Jason Brinkley
            Venita DuPuy

The Statistics & Data Analysis section is the place to present and discuss data analytics!  We welcome presentations that focus both on new advances and overviews of popular or particularly useful analytic techniques!  This includes discussions of commonly used procedures for individuals new to a certain analytic technique, comparisons of different options within procedures, or different ways to produce certain analytic output.  We are also looking for novel analytic approaches that you'd like to share, with special attention paid to novel techniques that regular users can implement with minimal effort.  Don't forget to submit papers using JMP, cross platform, or data mining analytic techniques!

Author(s) Title
Abbas Tavakoli Compare MIXED and GLMMIX to Analyze Breast Cancer Longitudinal Study
Matthew Psioda Random Effects Simulation for Sample Size Calculations Using SAS
George MacDonald The Effects of Q-Matrix Mis-Specification when Employing Proc NLMIXED: A Simulation Study
Melvin Alexander Decision-Making using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and SAS/IML®
Pushpal Mukhopadhyay SAS Procedures for Analyzing Survey Data
Rajendra Kadel A SAS macro to compute effect size (Cohen’s d) and its confidence interval from raw survey data
Dennis Beal Sample Size Determination for a Nonparametric Upper Tolerance Limit for any Order Statistic
John Chantis Difference Estimation versus Mean per Unit Methods for Skewed Populations: A Simulation Study
Liang Xie K-Nearest Neighbor Classification and Regression using SAS
Stephanie Thompson Where Should I Dig? What to do Before Mining Your Data
Leonard Gordon The Keouk County CAFO Study: A Complementary Analysis Using Classification Trees in SAS® Enterprise Miner™
Kimberly Ault Multiple Imputation for Ordinal Variables: A Comparison of SUDAAN’s PROC HOTDECK vs. PROC MI
Kathleen Kiernan Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Mixed Modeling with SAS/STAT® Procedures


   Transporter Room

Chair:   Peter Eberhardt, Fernwood Consulting Group

Have you have done something with SAS® that will take programmers out of this world?  This “black belt” section is looking for advanced topics which demonstrate there is nothing you cannot do in SAS.  Be prepared to share your code.

Author(s) Title
Sigurd Hermansen Linking Medical Records to Medics in Cyberspace
Richard DeVenezia SAS Server Pages, ‹?sas and ‹?sas=
Paul Dorfman The ADDR-PEEK-POKE Capsule: Transporting Data Within Memory and Between Memory and the PDV



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