Publick Occurrences Both Forreign and Domestick
The conveyance of Fresh Goods and Ideas has arrived here from adventurers and established Ladies and Gentlemen across the King’s lands. This compleat Sett of teckniques, case studies and examples of Statistical Arithmetick will be made available to any Person desirous of becoming a more useful Member of civil Society. The ingenious and valuable literature, in prose and verse, will be presented at the Event of High Society in beautiful Williamsburg, VA in October 20-22, in the Year of Our Lord 2019. For your great learning, we have measured the Length and breadth of these Papers taken in.
We have a final line up for this year’s SESUG conference in
Many of our accepted papers and presentations will discuss the use of SAS Macros to improve efficiency in SAS programs. The use of these techniques can reduce the amount of code written and save the programmer time.
For the analysts, statisticians and data scientists… we will have a lot of discussion surrounding data analysis methodology and predictive modeling. If this is your interest, then grab a seat and take it all in – there will be an entire two days of presentations dedicated to these topics in the Statistics and Data Analysis track.
Data visualization has been a hot topic for several years now and there will be plenty to talk about at SESUG 2019. Many of our presentations will also discuss the use of SAS Formats and the Output Delivery System (ODS), which are staple tools for formatting and stylizing your summarized results. You will be able to find many of these talks in the Reporting and Visualization track.
Although it may not have made our top list, Open Analytics will be a highlighted track this year. There are several papers dedicated to integrating R, Python and other open source platforms with SAS. The Open Analytics track will run most of Tuesday and will cover topics like SAS and R Integration for running Random Forests to leveraging SASPy for more effective script writing.
SESUG 2019 Presenters
Not surprisingly, most of our presenters this year come from the southeast region of the US. But we will have presenters traveling all the way from California to share their analytics knowledge. There are several presenters traveling internationally from India and South Korea as well! They all come from different industries and bring knowledge that will spark great discussions and get attendees thinking about how they do analytics.
SAS Presenters
In addition to the great information and content shared by SAS users like you, we will have presentations made by SAS as well. Here are the great topics they will be sharing:
Panel Discussions
We will have
Hands on Workshops
Unlike the Pre-conference and Post-conference workshops, these workshops are run alongside other concurrent sessions during the conference. This year we are running the HOW sessions as a “bring your own device” setup. Attendees will be asked to remotely connect to an AWS server through their own devices using their Remote Desktop Connection application, which will allow them access to the Hands on Workshop exercises on a virtual machine. An instructor will be present to guide you through the exercises. There will be a variety of topics discussed in these workshops including, but not limited to, UNIX tools (GNU), the use of Proc Tabulate and ODS, regression modeling, and SAS Visual Analytics.
Conference Pre- and Post-Workshops
We have talented, recognized, and experienced instructors prepared to share their knowledge in 4-hour sessions before and after the conference. You can sign up for
Join us in Williamsburg… Registration is Open!
There will be a lot covered at SESUG 2019. If you are interested in any of these topics or have your own in mind that were not mentioned, join us October 20-22, 2019 in Williamsburg, VA. You can register for the conference here.