Driving Miss Data: Data-Driven Techniques
Scheduled Time: Sunday, October 14th, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Intended Audience: All levels, from novice to advanced. Pace will allow for questions throughout to allow for interaction.
Instructor: Richann Watson
Abstract: We have all been there. We write a program based on the data we have. Then, we get new data and we must update the program. Making these updates can be time consuming. Not only must you update the production version of the program, but someone must also update any associated validation or QC programs. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were ways around this? This is where data-driven techniques come in handy. Using detailed examples, you will learn how to write robust code that is ready to handle an unexpected bend in the road! This half-day course will cover advanced techniques such as: discovering and using information about data sets and variables even if it's not known in advance; generating dynamic formats that are based on the data instead of hard-coded into your program; using complex looping structures to control your program flow based on the data; building code on the fly, even from within a DATA step; and much more!
Purpose: The purpose of this course is to highlight the issues necessary for the discipline of Test-Driven Development (TDD), an aspect of Agile and Extreme Programming.
Instructor Bio:
Richann Watson is an independent statistical programmer and CDISC consultant. She has been using SAS since 1996. She is also a member of the CDISC ADaM team and various sub-teams. In addition, she is the chairperson for the local SAS user group in her area and is actively involved with SAS Global Forum, PharmaSUG, MWSUG and other SAS User Groups.
Custom Reporting with PROC REPORT and the ODS Excel Destination
Scheduled Time: Sunday, October 14th, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Intended Audience: All SAS users
Instructor: Kirk Paul Lafler
Abstract: This new and popular workshop teaches SAS® users an assortment of techniques to create custom reports and
specialized output using PROC REPORT and the ODS Excel destination. Attendees learn how to create detail and
summary reports using PROC REPORT; acquire useful Output Delivery System (ODS) skills; combine PROC
REPORT and the powerful ODS Excel destination to produce quick and formatted detail and summary Excel
workbook results; customize output and results with SAS-supplied styles; compute subtotals and totals at the
end of a report using a COMPUTE Block; calculate percentages; produce statistics for an analysis variables;
apply conditional logic to control summary output rows; add background images; add traffic lighting scenarios
to Excel workbooks; and build drill-down (interactive) custom reports and Excel workbooks.
Instructor Bio:
Kirk Paul Lafler is entrepreneur, consultant and founder at Software Intelligence Corporation, and has been programming with SAS® software since 1979. Kirk is a SAS certified professional, application developer, programmer, mentor, provider of SAS consulting and training services, advisor and adjunct professor at the University California San Diego Extension, emeritus sasCommunity advisory board member, and educator to SAS users around the world. As the author of six books including Google Search Complete! (Odyssey Press. 2014) and PROC SQL: Beyond the Basics Using SAS, Second Edition (SAS Institute. 2013); Kirk has written hundreds of papers and articles; served as an invited speaker, trainer, keynote and section leader at SAS user group conferences / meetings around the world; and is the recipient of 25 "Best" contributed paper, hands-on workshop, and poster awards.
Fifty-Five Functions to Supercharge your SAS Code
Scheduled Time: Sunday, October 14th, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Intended Audience: All levels of SAS programmers, from novice to advanced. Pace will be moderate, allowing plenty of time for Q&A as we go. I like to keep my classes as interactive as possible
Instructor: Josh Horstman
Abstract: The SAS System includes an extensive collection of nearly five hundred DATA step functions that can provide
great utility and convenience for the programmer. Many of these are relatively new and unknown. In this halfday
course, we'll look at some SAS functions that should be in every programmer's toolbox. Each function will
be presented with concrete examples so you'll be able to take what you've learned and put it to use right away.
We will cover functions from a broad range of categories such as string manipulation functions, functions for
controlling program logic, functions for handling dates and times, mathematical functions, and much more. This
course is suitable for beginning SAS programmers, but even seasoned veterans will probably find something
Instructor Bio:
Josh Horstman is an independent statistical programmer based in Indianapolis with 20 year's experience using SAS in the life sciences industry. He specializes in analyzing clinical trial data, and his clients have included major pharmaceutical corporations, biotech companies, and research organizations. A SAS certified programmer, Josh loves coding and is a frequent presenter at SAS Global Forum and various regional and local SAS users group. Josh holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics and computer science, and a master's degree in statistics from Colorado State University.
Manipulating Data With DO Loops, Arrays and Numeric Functions
Scheduled Time: Sunday, October 14th, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Intended Audience: All SAS Users
Instructor: Ben Cochran
Abstract: This course is divided into four chapters: Introduction, Numeric Functions, Do Loops, and Arrays. The
detailed outline is as follows:
- Introduction
- Introduction to Data Manipulation
- Introduction to Numeric Functions
- Manipulating Values with Numeric Functions
- Date Functions
- The LAG Functions
- Other Numeric Functions
- Using Postal Codes FIP and ZIP Functions
- Workshop
- Iterative Processing
- Introduction to DO Loops
- Reading Data with DO Loops
- Generating Data with DO Loops
- Workshop
- Other Useful DO Loop Applications
- Array Processing
- Introduction to array processing
- Array Applications
- Workshop
Instructor Bio:
After more than 11 years with SAS Institute in the Professional Services (as an Instructor) and Marketing Departments (as Marketing Manager for the SAS/EIS product), Ben Cochran left to start his own consulting and SAS Training business in the fall of 1996 - The Bedford Group. As a Silver member of SAS Institute's Alliance Partner Program, Ben has been involved in many teaching and consulting projects over the last 20+ years. Ben has authored and presented several papers at SUGI, SGF, and
regional user groups on a variety of topics since 1988.
Investigate your data with 4 Powerful SAS Languages
Scheduled Time: Sunday, October 14th, 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Intended Audience: beginner to intermediate
Instructor: Charu Shankar, SAS
Abstract: This presentation will teach you how to use existing SAS tools, like Base SAS, PROC SQL, PERL language elements, and the SAS Macro language to help you manipulate and investigate your data. Learn to leverage these powerful languages to check your data with simple yet elegant techniques like Boolean logic in PROC SQL, operators like the SOUNDS LIKE operator in the DATA step/PROC step, functions like the SCAN function within the DATA step, efficient checking of your data with PERL regular expression, and last but not least the amazing marriage between PROC SQL & the SAS macro language to hold data you just found in a variable that you can use over and over again. This paper will focus on coding techniques for data investigation and manipulation using Base SAS.
Instructor Bio:
SAS Senior Technical Training Specialist, Charu Shankar teaches by engaging with logic, visuals and analogies to spark critical thinking. She interviews users to recommend the right SAS training. She is a frequent blogger for the SAS Training Post.
When she's not teaching technology, Charu is passionate about helping people come alive with yoga and is a food blogger.
She also helps support candidates who are looking to land work using SAS through her Linkedin Group
Charu has presented at over 100 SAS international user group conferences on topics related to SAS programming, SQL, DS2 programming, tips and tricks, efficiencies, new features of SAS and SAS Enterprise Guide.
What can Proc SQL Do for You?
Scheduled Time: Wednesday, October 17th, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Intended Audience: Beginner to Intermediate level with a steady pace to cover material with time for questions throughout
Instructor: Stephanie Thompson
Abstract: PROC SQL can be a powerful tool in your programmer's toolkit. There are things that can be done easily using
SQL that can be a little more challenging with other PROCS. This workshop will walk you through the basics of
PROC SQL as well as highlight the differences to other approaches in SAS. Syntax, creating tables, types of
joins, generating new variables, and using summary functions will be covered. The workshop will also go over
some of the more advanced features of SQL such as using the HAVING clause and sub-queries. A discussion of
the benefits of using PROC SQL to access external databases and the benefits of SQL pushback will be
presented as well.
Instructor Bio:
Stephanie Thompson has over twenty years of experience in applying statistical and modeling techniques to solve business problems in various commercial and academic environments. Strong understanding of data structures, a variety of analytical tools, and operating environments.Views problems (opportunities?) in a broad context by examining the interrelations between issues and the local and broader operational framework. Demonstrated skill at effectively communicating and working across multiple functional areas and at all organizational levels. Stephanie has made dozens of presentations at local, regional, and international meetings and conferences to technical and non-technical audiences.