The Application and Macro Development section wants to include your ideas on how SAS communicates with other programs and software as well as wanting to see your innovative macro designs. Presentations can come from any industry and solutions could be for problems large or small. Papers should give users the tools they need to implement these concepts in their own projects. Have you gotten SAS to “play well with others” as part of a multi-step task? Have you developed macros that could save others from a headache at the end of the day? We want to read about your solutions and see you presenting in 2016!
We are looking for SAS users in the financial services and insurance sector to discuss the important issues facing our industry. Share your experiences with others in your peer group highlighting how SAS was able to deliver timely and accurate results within your organization. We strongly encourage first time presenters to step forward to share their insights. Chances are, if you have encountered a challenge you could solve with SAS, many others have or will find that same challenge and could benefit from your experiences. We are interested in a broad range of subjects specific to financial services and insurance: regulatory reporting; anti-money laundering and fraud detection; risk analysis; predicative modeling; forecasting; analyzing complex assets and their values; and customer relationship management are just a sampling of the available subject areas - feel free to propose your own!
Building Blocks is intended for SAS programmers at all levels from beginner to advanced. Appropriate topics include fundamentals such as DATA step manipulations and simple PROCs, but the section also includes advanced topics in ODS, Macro programming, and SQL. These presentations will provide beginners with a greater understanding of how to use SAS to solve analytical, reporting, and data management issues, and will help more advanced programmers implement enhanced techniques to build on the power and flexibility afforded by SAS software.
Every SAS programmer from the beginner to the expert has found new or unusual ways to solve problems with SAS. Coders' Corner is the place to share tips and tricks, useful nuggets of programming, or techniques that make jobs easier. Presentations are 10 minutes in length and can come from any of a broad range of topics. If you have found a solution to a problem that was (de)bugging you or have worked out a dynamic short-cut, come and share your knowledge. What might now seem simple to you could unlock a SAS mystery for another user!
From the beginning, Data Integration has been one of the mainstays of SAS software. Since then it has grown to include the full suite of Data Management capabilities including Data Quality, Data Governance, Master Data Management and Data Federation. SESUG is creating a new section to highlight the capabilities of SAS Data Management including the various ways SAS leverages Big Data. We invite technical papers that show others how to use any of the Data Management components. These presentations will include case studies demonstrating analyses and implementations, while providing helpful insights and lessons learned along the way.
The e-Poster Section covers any area including: SAS® fundamentals; statistics; business intelligence; medical research, data mining; survey/panel results; social networking; and industry applications for the pharmaceutical, finance, education, environmental and entertainment industries; and all uses of SAS software. Ideally, a well-developed poster is a self-explanatory PowerPoint, achieving both coverage and clarity. Posters will be displayed on a large monitor. In addition, a corresponding paper based upon the e-poster will be published in the conference proceedings. There will be a time to meet authors to discuss their posters with conference attendees (“Meet the Presenter” session). Submissions are welcomed from attendees at all levels of SAS experience.
Jametta Magwood-Golston, Abbas Tavakoli, Nurses of Moultrie Heart Failure Unit at Palmetto Health Richland, Christina Payne, Harmony Robinson, Veronica Deas and Forrest Fortier
These 2-hour sessions will be presented utilizing a live SAS session where the presenter will demonstrate code and procedures in real time with a specific task or goal in mind to accomplish within the two hour HOW session. The datasets and code will also be available for download prior to the session, enabling attendees to submit the code on their personal computers if desired. This session is best for step-by-step presentation of:
Data step programming
Report writing
Dates and times
Macro language
Functions and formats
New features of SAS
Papers will be selected based upon content and the presenter's proven ability to present in an interactive SAS session. The presenter will need to prepare a power point as well as sample code for demonstration.
Papers in the Life Sciences/Healthcare/Insurance section will focus on using the SAS® System to find solutions for analysis and reporting as it relates to drug/device discovery, disease prevention, patient care and satisfaction, insurance risk and operations, as well as local and national healthcare agencies. Possible topics include:
Discussions of the use of SAS® Drug Development, SAS Clinical Data Integration and SAS Patient Safety.
Various aspects of implementing CDISC standards such as the Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) and the Analysis Data Model (ADaM).
Solutions to reporting and data processing requirements which relate to the Affordable Care Act.
The use of healthcare data to evaluate quality of care, possible fraud and patient satisfaction in a hospital setting.
If all or part of your SAS time includes supporting users, whether through systems architecture and administration or through consulting, training, and hiring, this section is the place for you to share your experiences with other members of the SAS community. This section will include guidelines, best practices, techniques, and resources for working efficiently and effectively in the SAS support community. Possible topics are:
SAS Systems architecture and administration, including:
Installation, deployment, and migration
Performance monitoring and tuning
Other SAS systems support, including:
Recruiting, hiring and maintaining qualified staff
The Reporting and Information Visualization/JMP section contains presentations that demonstrate visualizing and presenting data in unique and innovative ways. Visual representation and interactive techniques allow users to intuitively explore, discover and comprehend large amounts of information.
Topics include but are not limited to:
SAS Styles, Templates, Output Delivery System (ODS) and Graphics Template Language (GTL)
JMP® provides users with the ability to explore hidden stories and trends in data while easily converting this information into visual displays. We would like to hear about innovative uses of JMP software, especially scenarios where integration between JMP and SAS has made a major impact.
Papers submitted should include a display of the system or results and should include some programming code where applicable.
Presentations in the Statistics and Data Analysis section address the transformation of raw data into useful information. This section will include topics that will interest a wide range of SAS® users, including statistical analysts, statistical programmers, statisticians, and DATA step programmers. Papers do not need to present new statistical methods, although such topics are always welcome. Innovative applications of established methods to new or unusual scenarios are also appropriate for this section. In addition, presentations are sought that involve the application of methods that many users of SAS statistics may not commonly see, such as methods for categorical, longitudinal or censored data. Methods to facilitate analysis of very large data arrays, such as those that result from genetic studies or national surveys, are also sought for this section. It is important to keep in mind that the audience will represent a broad spectrum of users of statistical methods, so the presentations can range from basic applications to complex analyses.