Using REDCap with SAS for Descriptive Statistics (Beginners)
September 23, 2024: 8:45 AM - 9:00 AM
Data Collection, Management & Manipulation, Brookside B

Authors Abstract
Amita Patil REDCap data pull for SAS programming can be done in different ways: a) API, b) downloading dataset using SAS Export, and c) REDCap reports. SAS beginners interested in working on specific data variables and short analysis can reduce their SAS processing time by using REDCap reports. Once REDCap data reports are exported, follow the steps for descriptive statistics using SAS codes. This session gives an overview of creating quick data reports in REDCap that subset the data instead of downloading the whole dataset from REDCap to SAS. Once the REDCap data report is created, it can be re-run anytime in REDCap. After data export to SAS, run SAS codes provided for data cleaning and desriptive analysis.