Welcome to the SESUG '98 page! This year's conference will be in Norfolk, Virginia on September 13-15. This conference will provide an opportunity for SAS users to share, question, listen and learn about a vast array of topics relating to the SAS system and its varied and dynamic uses in our professional lives.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Recently, there has been a problem with the conference hotel and the the Omni 800 number telling people that the SESUG room block is already full. This is INCORRECT. There are still a few rooms available, but not many. If you encounter this problem, please send E-mail (via link to the left) and let us know.
Remember that even if the conference hotel becomes full, there may be some who end up canceling. You might want to check back from time to time to check for this. Our alternative hotel is the Clarion. See the registration book (link below) for more information.
Several online documents are available here. Just click on the links below to access them. NOTE: There is problem viewing the Word docs in some browsers. If you run into this problem, just download the doc and then open it rather than try to open within the browser itself.
This is the last update to the registration book. Any further changes to the conference will not appear until the Conference Program (which will be distributed at the conference).
Registration Booklet - PDF format (597K) [Download Adobe Acrobat Reader]
Registration Booklet - Word 97 format (818KB) [You must have Word 97 on your computer to view]
The schedule will be updated from time to time as significant changes are made. The final schedule will appear in the Conference Program.
Detailed Speaker Schedule - PDF format (117KB) [Download Adobe Acrobat Reader]
Detailed Speaker Schedule - Word 97 format (209K) [You must have Word 97 on your computer to view]