The Regular Registration deadline for SESUG 2009 is now closed. We have extended the deadline for the online registration system. You may register online if paying by credit card through October 16. After that date, registrations must be made onsite or by fax. The cost of our Conference Workshops, held Sunday and Tuesday afternoon, is now $150. You may add a workshop to an existing registration online, if paying by credit card, through October 16, or after that date via fax or onsite. See the Registration Information page for details. Check out our conference and chronological presentation schedules for the big picture!
Read about the Academic offerings on our new Presentation Highlights page. Each Academic Section description includes links by author and by title to paper abstracts.
Coming to SESUG? Read the letter from the Conference Chairs that was sent to all registrants.
Pump up your learning experience by adding a half-day conference workshop. These workshops are offered Sunday starting at 8 AM and 1 PM, and Tuesday at 1 PM, after the closing session.
Pump up your resume with SAS Certification! Certification testing will be offered Tuesday afternoon. Read more about it here.
Find out how you can win a free registration to SESUG 2010 on our Activities Highlights page.
SESUG always has a charity function, and this year will be no exception. The Silent Auction raised more than $1700 last year - thank you!
Please consider donating an item for the auction.
Join us in Birmingham for the 17th annual SouthEast SAS Users Group conference. Renew old contacts and forge new ones. Pick up new tips and tricks from your colleagues and the experts from SAS. Enjoy the many attractions the Birmingham area has to offer. Stay tuned as the 2009 conference continues to heats up at!
We hope to see you in Birmingham - y'all come on down for some excellent southern hospitality, SESUG style!!