
Volunteers! Volunteers! Volunteers!
As Uncle Sam would say, “We want you!”  (But we promise there is no boot camp!)  We just need your help and helping is easy!

While SAS is an integral conference sponsor, SESUG is an all-volunteer organization.  We need people like YOU to get involved and there are a variety of tasks to select from based on your interest and available time.

Session Coordinators assist the academic section chair(s) with lighting, speaker introductions, time keeping, attendance tracking and general equipment needs.  Pick your favorite academic section and enjoy the presentations while being a volunteer.  Session Coordinators are scheduled for morning or afternoon blocks of presentations.

Registration/Information Desk Coordinators help conference attendees before and during the conference.  This area is centrally located and you can help with setting up registration, or handing out conference materials and answering questions other attendees may have.  Registration Coordinators can work a 2, 3, or 4 hour block of time. 

Have questions? Ready to get involved?  Contact our Volunteer Coordinator, Jennifer Waller, at jwaller@mcg.edu or by phone during business hours at her office number, (706)721-0814.  Include your e-mail address, phone number, area(s) of interest and time availability.