WW08 Doing Listings with PROC Report     Sat, PM

Mal J. Foley
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill    Email: Foley@UNC.EDU
Abstract: Many people shy away from PROC REPORT because of its mysterious defaults. Put another way, REPORT acts differently than other SAS PROCs. However, once you see how REPORT works you may never want to go back to other PROCs. PROC REPORT does the yeoman's wor k of PROC PRINT, SORT, FREQ, MEANS, and TABULATE, and PUT-statement formatting (DATA _NULL_) all in one procedure. This workshop uses examples to examine how to produce listings with batch-mode PROC REPORT. The workshop thoroughly looks at the PRINT, SORT and DATA _NULL_ aspects of PROC REPORT and also introduces the FREQ, MEANS and TABULATE aspects of report.

Biography: Mal Foley is currently a Senior SAS Programmer/Analyst with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His career includes being an international computing consultant, a university professor, a manager of several computing departments, and the CEO of his own computing company. Mal has consulted to IBM, Dow Chemical, the Ford-Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations, the US Department of Agriculture, the US Agency for International Development, and many universities. He has taught dozens of computer programming courses at the undergraduate, graduate, and professional levels. Mal regularly publishes papers and gives presentations at SUGI and regional SAS User Groups.