TU22 Problem Solving Techniques with SQL     Invited

Kirk Paul Lafler
Software Intelligence Corporation
Abstract: Solving technical problems involves the use of good techniques. Data processing problems frequently involve a great deal of data manipulation and computing resources. When confronted with problems of this nature, you could approach them using conventional DATA, and/or PROC step methods, or you could use the strengths of the SQL procedure to manipulate and process this data. Attendees will learn how SQL can be used to solve traditional, as well as not so traditional, problems including sorting and grouping d ata, using summary functions, performing two-, three-, multi-table, and outer joins, and constructing subqueries to pass results from one query to another for further processing.

Kirk Paul Lafler is a SAS Alliance Partner(R) and consultant with 25 years of SAS programming experience. He provides IT consulting services and training to Fortune 1000 companies and government agencies around the world. Kirk has written three books and m ore than one hundred articles and is a frequent speaker at International, Regional, and Local SAS User Groups. He also writes a “SAS Tips” column that appears regularly in the SANDS and SESUG Newsletters.