TU18 Here's the Data, Here's the Report I Want - How Do I Get There?     Invited

Deborah B. Buck
D. B. & P. Associates
Abstract: SAS(r) programmers are often given a set of data and asked to generate a specific report. This can be a daunting task, especially for a relatively new SAS user. Where to start? This process involves two separate, but related phases. Phase one concerns the data itself. What form are the data in - is it raw data, data from another software program, or an existing SAS data set? Also, will the data need to be manipulated, rearranged or summarized to provide the information needed? Phase two involves determining which PROC will provide the output in the desired form. Knowing whether the report needs a specific layout, customized information, or statistics helps with deciding on the most appropriate PROC. This paper will present some guidelines to follow in achiev ing the desired report in an organized manner.

Debbie Buck has been a Consultant in Statistics and SAS Programming for over 14 years, specializing in the pharmaceutical and medical areas. She has been programming in SAS since 1976, primarily with Base SAS and SAS/STAT. Debbie was the Conference Chair f or SCSUG 97 and was a Conference Co-Chair for the Southern SAS Users 2001 Conference. She is also active as a Section Chair at SUGI. In addition to consulting, Debbie is a Contract Instructor for the SAS Institute.