TU13 Bulletproofing and Knowledge Encapsulation in Statistical Macros     Invited

John K. Troxell
Merck & Co., Inc.
Abstract: Most SASŪ programmers agree that SAS macros are a wonderful tool for automating repetitive tasks. More controversial is bulletproofing (making a macro robust to incorrect parameters or data). Less commonly considered is the potential that macros offer for delivery of statistical expertise. Statistical knowledge can be built into macros with advanced rules for validating macro parameter values, implementation of good statistical practice, implementation of otherwise unavailable statistical methods, or delive ry of data-driven advice and interpretation in English. Pros and cons of bulletproofing and knowledge encapsulation are discussed, and some specific techniques are presented. Many of the techniques are useful in non-statistical macros as well. Examples are drawn from macros for stepwise regression analysis and analysis of covariance.

John Troxell is a Senior Statistical Programming Analyst at Merck Research Laboratories. Prior to joining Merck, John was a SAS programmer and statistician at Exxon Research and Engineering Co., and then an independent SAS consultant. He has been programmi ng in SAS since 1978, and still has a copy of the SAS 76 manual. John holds MS degrees in Horticulture and Statistics from Rutgers and a BA in English from Yale.