CC07 SAS Completion Codes to Make Complex Programs Run Smoothly     Contributed

Heidi Markovitz
Simply Systems
Abstract: Many SAS operations set codes that describe whether the task was a success and what the operation accomplished. Capturing these codes in your programs enables you to (1) halt execution as soon as a failure occurs, (2) produce meaningful error and instructi onal messages, and (3) conditionally execute DATA or PROC steps depending on the outcome of earlier steps. Using them you can turn your collection of steps into a cohesive program.

Heidi Markovitz operates Simply Systems, a consulting practice specializing in SAS software development. She is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School and working on a Masters in Engineering Management at FIU. Heidi has been a SAS fan since 1985. She is also co-chair of SESUG 2002.