CC05 Adjusting Dates in a New Century     Contributed

Malachy J. Foley
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Abstract: The Y2K scare is over, but the problem of manipulating dates correctly is still current. This paper presents SAS code that automatically adjusts the YEARCUTOFF option based on the current year. This "sliding" cut-off date means you will never have to worry about the YEARCUTOFF option again. It also insures that you can always store the maximum amount of data.

Mal Foley started programming computers in high school and never stopped. His career includes being an international computing consultant, a university professor, a computing department manager, and CEO of a computing company. Mal's specialties are clinica l trials, survey research, business applications development, and database management. He has consulted to IBM, Dow Chemical, Ford-Rockefeller Foundation, Department of Agriculture, Agency for International Development, universities, and the United Nations . He gives seminars and presentations at many SAS users' groups.