AD10 Refactoring Design Patterns into a SAS Application     Invited

Mark Tabladillo, Ph.D.
Abstract: To assist states and countries in developing and maintaining their comprehensive tobacco prevention and control programs, the Centers for Disease Control developed the Youth Tobacco Surveillance System (YTSS). The YTSS includes two independent surveys, one for international countries and one for American states. A SAS/AF application was developed to manage and process these surveys. Over a four year period, over 600,000 surveys have been processed for over 35 states and over 60 countries (at over 100 sites) . This presentation will describe the object-oriented substructure developed to manage, validate, and process survey data. Over a three year period, the application grew from zero to four to now twenty-nine classes (and it will likely have more with futur e refactoring). This presentation will describe the rationale for class construction, illustrate the benefits of design pattern structure, and generalize the lessons and applications to any object-oriented application development (even one which does not u se SAS). Experience with classes or objects or design patterns is not necessary for this talk, but it will help to know how to code a class and instantiate an object with SCL.

Mark Tabladillo is a contractor for the Centers for Disease Control. He has been using the SAS System since 1991, and has applied SAS to healthcare, public health and financial services.