AD05 SAS High-speed Automated Reporting Queue – SHARQ     Invited

Eric Puhlman BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee ,Kasi Peek
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
Abstract: Take a bite out of time with SHARQ – Completely automate standard reports using PC SAS 8.2. BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee (BCBST) experienced substantial downtime when manually processing standard SAS reports. To reduce this downtime, all manual interv ention was eliminated through the development of an automatic SAS reporting system called SHARQ. SHARQ extracts data from multiple sources, manipulates extracted data, and outputs final report information in multiple formats – all without manual interventi on. Task scheduling, batch mode processing, and macro programs developed and/or customized as “tools” will be presented. These tools provide automated date routines for program execution, error code processing with automatic program termination and email n otification to developer(s), data quality checks to ensure statistically valid data, and automated final report output in multiple formats (e.g. MS Excel/Word via DDE, HTML using ODS). Finally, SAS environment configuration issues that help standardize pro gram coding will be addressed.

Eric Puhlman is currently employed as Information Project Analyst at BCBST with six (6) years of SAS programming experience. Eric is a team lead and is responsible for selecting appropriate clinical reporting methods for the design and analysis of studies, projects, and programs which focus on the impact cost and utilization of health care services on the economic, financial, and quality aspects of all lines of business.

Kasi Peek is currently employed as an IM Developer/Analyst at BCBST with six (6) years of SAS programming experience. She is responsible for the analysis, design and implementation of reporting methods, project management and user support in the developmen t, enhancement, maintenance and integration of application software systems. Kasi served as a SESUG Section Co-Chair from 1999 through 2001.