AD02 A Programming Development Environment for SAS Programs     Invited

Tim Williams PRA International ,Lee Walke
PRA International
Abstract: Organizing the programming effort for large projects can be a daunting task. Programming teams are under pressure to complete work accurately and rapidly while using standard templates and macros whenever possible. Add to that several levels of documentati on and a manager’s need for frequent status updates, and you have an administrative nightmare. A system is necessary to integrate programming documentation, validation checklists and real-time status reports. After deciding to centralize our project manag ement spreadsheet, program header documentation and validation documents, we found that we had the beginnings of a web-based programming development environment (PDE) for SAS programs. This paper describes a database-driven system for organizing SAS progra ms written using Active Server Pages, Visual Basic and JavaScript

Tim Williams is the SAS Adminstrator for PRA International in Charlottesville, VA. After an initial traumatic experience with SAS on a VAX mainframe, he has spent the last 10 years foresaking his training in Biology to pursue SAS solutions in areas such as Forestry, Air Pollution Research, Water Quality, and the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Lee Walke is the Director of Analysis Programming for PRA International in Charlottesville, VA. He was introduced to SAS in an experimental psychology course in 1987, and has been a devotee of the language ever since. He is especially interested in applyin g traditional and emerging software development processes to clinical SAS programming.